Personnel Office was established from the being of “National College of Yunlin Technology” in 1, July 1991. Then, The college’s name was rechristened as ”National Yunlin University of Science and Technology” (YunTech) in 1,August 1997.
隨著教職員工人數之逐年增加,本室員額也自籌備處起之1人,迄至學院成立,改名科大逐步增加為6人。目前置主任1人 、組長2人、專員1人、組員3人,均具大學以上學歷,高普考試及格,素質整齊,亦有高度服務熱誠,另有工友1人,行政助理5人,負責處理較基層事務。
●Staffs in the Personnel Office
With the growing of faculty in YunTech, there are six staff men in the Personnel Office, including Chief Personnel Officer, two Division Heads, one Executive Officer, and three Personnel Officers. They, with high passion to service, all graduated from universities and passed national examination to be official. Another five administrative assistants who are hired by contact and a maintenance worker are in charge of fundamental affairs.
●Future prospectus
Personnel are designated to serve the staff in our university so as to promote quality service and achieve business efficiency. Our main goals are:
1. Continuing an open personnel process:
All personnel business is conducted according to regulations, especially the engagement, promotion, assessment, recognition, and punishment of faculty. Those events are conducted in a transparent way based on justice, fairness and openness so as to win confidence.
2. Amending and modifying regulations properly:
After the renewal of the school name, the personnel regulations may need additional amendments. In the future, some rules may need to be revised.
3. E-personnel business:
In response to computerization and increased business, the methods of processing will depend more on computer applications. The Personnel office will computerize information by using the administrative system established by the Central Personnel Administration so as to save manpower and increase job efficiency.
4. Gradual organization strengthening:
It is anticipated that staff personnel will increase commensurate with the increase in faculty due to the expansion of the organization and its functions. This office will use grouping to strengthen the organizational function in order to promote efficiency and quality.